Forum posts vs. Public Notices

@matthew, @rachel, I agree – with the both of you.

One of the ideas of getting more mailinglist stuff on here, was to make those discussions more public and accessible and I think especially the HTML5-Workshop has shown that this is possible and working by people joining as coaches long with the our growing coverage of the topic. Something almost impossible with our former model of mailing lists.

Another idea was to make call for coaches easier and less gate-keeperish to produce than having a blog post every time. Blog posts is also a model that doesn’t scale so well, when there are more and more workshops. By allowing basically anyone to post their calls here, we have a good way to link people to these calls via social media and email.

But I also have to agree with @rachel that this can be a little messy and hard for people to join in – especially if this already a 80 posts long topic like the HTML5 one was.

How about implementing the convention, to make a new posts summarising the important fact in the Events category once a specific date is set and have that link back to the other conversation in case they want to join it, too. One important thing is, to link to the first post of such a conversation then (using the link-button on the post bottom) so people don’t start at the last post of a conversation.