The Algorithm Will See You Now


A satyrical and entertaining hack aiming to illustrate our google-somatic behaviour usually characterised by symptoms search followed by PANIC. Although digital health claims to be around the corner, the algorithms still need a bit of polishing in order to make sense of the big data available. Through an interactive interface, visitors to fairs or to museums will be invited to enter some information (not personal) on a computer. Based on that, and by accessing wikidata and other databases, they will get information (most likely funny or historical) about health conditions and a final diagnosis. The diagnosis and prescription, presented by DR MED ALGORYTHM will most likely be a funny composition of words followed by a description and maybe images or sound. The disease name will most likely be absurd or wont exist and the medicine will be a combination of hillarious terms

Here a ROUGH example:

Choose Symptoms:

Body Part

Intellectual farting syndrome.

A condition characterised by compulsive blurb-fueled small talk during conferences. Chronic in academics with degrees in life sciences. Acute cases may present severe cough (SOUND FROM NKM). Patient my look like (IMAGE FROM WIKIDATA SEARCH)

High dosage of (LIQUID WIKIDATA) extract made of (PICS OF INSECTS FROM NKM)

We will need developers and designers. Also someone who understand the ** Wikidata:SPARQL language** Not difficult from what I heard.

The aim is to bring this to events to showcase the power of science hacking. Last year I led the Human Sounds Like Apes hack that was featured in 3 museums and a total of 6 events in Berlin and the Netherlands.


I love the concept of anthropomorphing technology by giving it voices or faces. Maybe you can think of a back and forth for a bit between patient and doctor?