Dec 14th - international Day of CodeRetreat


do we want to do something for CodeRetreat ?


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What can it be done? I like the coderetreat idea :slight_smile:

This seems to be a closed (i.e. prescriptive and rigid) format, and there already is a code retreat in Berlin taking place on Dec 14th. So I kind of don’t see how we as OTS could participate here. However, I would be totally up for organizing something similar but more OTS-style (maybe not so prescriptive in format and content, but keeping the pair programming, TDD and experimentation with different constraints) within OTS (not on Dec 14th, but maybe next year in Feb or March).

It just popped up in my social media stream the other day, but looking at it closer I agree it doesn’t feel very OTS as it has quite a few restrictions and rules it enforces that feel to go against our values. But the general idea might be fun.

Coderetreat Global day was really really good, very interesting format, nice atmosphere … I think is something to integrate in OTS :slight_smile:

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