Follow-up Task from Global Review Meeting: Adapt coaches guidelines for learners

Spontaneous feedback:

I do like the full manifesto pasted above with the explanations and examples. For me using only the tag lines like in the slides doesn’t bring the message across that well. Maybe because the wording is sometimes quite playful and needs the context to work.

I’m confused by the “internal:” thing.

I also feel uncomfortable about the very negative last part. I would put things in a positive way if possible. Like: “Coaches will not touch your keyboard because we believe you’re learning by doing and it’s ok if you need your time. You may of course ask a coach to type something for you if you want.” Or: “At OpenTechSchool we try to help each other with the tasks we’re trying to accomplish and avoid pointless discussions like language X is better than language Y without context”. And maybe just at the end encourage people to call out non-compliant behavior.