As some of you probably already know, we’ve been supporting HacKIDemia, which took place on Easter Monday, April 1st, here in Berlin by promoting the event. We are happy to announce, that HacKIDemia and OpenTechSchool decided to take their collaboration to the next level and do a first, new event all together: the Hackathon for Kids, which will take at the end of April (target dates are 27th/28th of April) will consist of various full-day challenges and workshops kids hack on with their parents and qualified coaches. We are thinking about the Nasa-Send-Things-to-Space-Challenge and the famous TEDxYouthAustin-Makey-Makey-Sound-installation but also about more software involving topics like setting up Arduinos and sensors to track and visualise air conditions or Scratch-based Software-Challenges. We are already in talks with an amazing venue and have sponsors on board to help us with other stuff around.
What we need now are great ideas for workshops and coaches willing to host them with us. Therefore this is a call for coaches of all backgrounds and languages, interested in hacking with kids. If you are interested in coaching tech and making to kids, please quickly answer these few questions and join the organisational meetup on Wednesday, April 10th at Co.Up at which we will discuss what to do and how to get organised. And even if you don’t speak german or can’t make it to the prep meeting, please fill out the form, there are checkboxes for both of those.
Oh, what a joy this is going to be!
(Thanks to Simon Höher of for taking these awesome picture of the event, which the one on top was taken from. )
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at