Currently our learning materials are either accessible from the Learning Materials page which is not prominently featured on the site, but findable, and also on the python overview.
I primarily disliked the layout of the python overview, because the materials weren’t immediately and clearly presented, and you had to read down a lot of vertical space to get to them. I thought it could be easier for someone new to OTS to immediately skip to and find the workshop material they were interested in.
I thought this could be easily remedied by using a grid layout of our projects, but also that such a layout can easily afford all of our workshops, and not just those for python.
So, I went about implementing such a new landing page, which you can currently view here.
It’s implemented using Gumby, Compass and Jekyll, which make use of node.js and ruby.
I think it provides a much clearer overview of what we currently have to offer. New materials can be specified easily in the jekyll _config.yml
config file as yaml entries, and then the page recompiled.
I propose to upload this on OTS’ github, and link it to a subdomain under such as materials, learning, or workshops. Let me know what you think