OpenTechSchool in 'Year of Open Source'

During the preparation of the Summit of NewThinking we met Sam Muirhead, who pursues a very interesting project called “Year of Open Source”. For more than half a year everything Sam begins or renews, he forces himself to make it as open source as possible. From clothes or over travelling up to entertainment, everything as open source as possible but at least as “share-ish” as possible (think of car pooling or hitchicking instead of flying). He documents all his doing with blog articles and videos and may will put together a final documentation on his efforts at the end.

On thing he wanted to pursue this year was learning to code. So he was looking into open education concepts and - as he is also located in Berlin - interviewed some of the OTS Team members and put together this amazing video (thank you so very much) and made a great blog post about us.

Learn to code with OpenTechSchool from Sam Muirhead on Vimeo.

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