*** ONLINE *** New OTS website!

Hi everybody,
we are very happy to announce

New OpenTechSchool Website is on live :tada: :tada: :tada: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

This was the effort of many different volunteer which invest time in the years to figured out how to better communicate our message and how to easily support people that reach out to us and want to be part of OpenTechSchool.

A special thanks to @UTCplus8 for thinking about UX and creating the first mock ups!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Another special thank you to @Kristin_Fritsch for creating those beautiful illustration and in general for putting so much time in the development. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

And special thanks to @xMartin and @bastianalbers and all the people at the ccc conference that push for the idea and hep with the development of the site.

Please go and visit it. Let us know what you think :tada:

This is the first version, we have other ideas and fixes to work on and we always need some help.
If you wish to help with development please check out the repo and the readme. You don’t need to be experience coder to help out and it can be a good way to learn on a real project, just pick up the good first issue issues:

If you find an issues, a bag or have an idea and would like to discuss about it, feel free to post an issue on github:

If you are a chapter and would like to update your page, please go here:


Huge shout out also goes to Georgia (aka anaketa) for pushing the first commit to this project on Nov 27th 2019 and since then she kept working on the page while traveling the world!! Thank you for always being there to help out and bringing this page alive!

I hope we can all come together in Berlin and celebrate later this year!