Workshop in San Francisco, afternoon of Saturday 28th 2013

Hey everyone,

I will be in San Francisco the last week of September and beginning of October and my lovely hosts from the Embassy asked if we’d like to run a Coding workshop on during my stay.

So I am looking for other coaches, who are willing to stand around and help in case of questions for the participants on either our python or the javscript beginners workshop. Material is ready and proven to work, it will be about 4hours, so if you are using either of them on a regular basis, are a nice person, who wants more people to code, then you have all qualifications needed. In which case it’d be great if you could sign up in this doodle.

Otherwise, if you are interested in participating as a learner, make sure to follow this post to stay up to date to not miss the upcoming registration.

Stay tuned

is there already an OTS san fran that you’re writing to? otherwise have you also been in touch with Kristina? she goes out there a lot and probably has a ton of contacts:)

Whoo, awesome! Sadly I won’t be there at that time, but I’ll contact some people!

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so, I scheduled the workshop on I decided to go for python. RSVPs open tonight at 6pm local SFO time. Share to whomever it might concern:


And if you are coach, please still RSVP yes and let me know via email (Ben at opentechschool org) with a link to your meetup profile so I can bump up your title so we and other knows :slight_smile: .

Thank you everyone, we had a great time yesterday evening. Closing this topic :slight_smile: .