Colearnings at Co-Up can continue

Dear Learners and Coaches in Berlin,

Co-Up has been hosting OpenTechSchools Ruby, Python, and Frontend Co-Learnings for years now. In a long and sad blog post they announced that they are closing Co-Up as a coworking space and concentrate on developing their core business, Cobot, a coworking space management software.

The post mentions that the 3rd floor will still be there as a meetup location and community space in the evenings. Some (including us) gathered from that that all meetups in the fifth floor will need to find new spaces.

@xMartin and I had lunch with Alex and Thilo, the owners of Co-Up, and it turns out this is a misunderstanding. While no new meetups will be placed in the fifth floor, long-standing regular meetups like the Frontend and Python Co-Learnings can continue using the lounge in the fifth floor.

This is wonderful news, I’m happy to share it with y’all. Thank you Co-Up/Cobot for having us for another many meetups! :heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart:

One thankful mention shall go out to Aleks, Co-Up’s longstanding community manager, who is going on a career change. Thank you Aleks for having been there for us for years. See you around the city!

cc @haiko @anaketa @MisterRios @bastianalbers @andreas @chiara @ben

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Amazing news!!! \o/

Super! A big Thank you to Cobot, Aleks, and all the awesome coaches! :heart:

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