DiY Lowcost Bluetooth Jammer

TITLE: DiY Lowcost Bluetooth Jammer

Are you annoyed of brats with their shit music coming out of their bluetooth speakers while you are sitting in the U-Bahn?

Yeah, me too.

We (all?) know that blueetooth is preventing a highjack by encryption and fequency hopping. But the intention is not to own the foreign device, but just to spam so much noise on the frequency band, that no sustainable audio stream is possible in a range of ~10m.

How to do that: Spam a lot of digital noise on a certain amount of frequencies within the bluetooth network, not all of them, just enough to make listening to music not enjoyable anymore. Bluetooth has 79 equidistant canals (1 MHz to each other) and the protocol hops through them 1600 times per second. I assume we need to “block” only 1/10 of that
Doing so by using some 2,4 GHz resonators to have a lot of frequencies, a hand full of 2,4GHz antennas to send out the signals.

Twist: Make it (much) cheaper then commercial solutions


HAVE: A lot of old smartphone and some WLAN Router antennas that can be sacrificed for the goal of silence

NEED: Deeper understanding about how to effectively make more noise/errors in the bluetooth communication between a smartphone and a audio streaming slave device then the implemented error correction and automatic repeat requests can handle.




Please add constructive feedback, suggestions, offers of equipment or skills, and gestures of wild enthusiasm as replies below. Thanks!


dude you’re evil. :smiley:


niiice… It’s the new tv-b-gone.


Another approach that might be worth trying: Take ~14 ESP8266, put them in AP mode, each on a different channel, and have them send data continuously.

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Combined with a tin can (maybe the size of o christmas stollen) this would even make a nice beam antenna to cover a bluetooth receiver in noise

Love it… where do we share ? isnt it tjust creating the same name as the speaker… and create a beacon for the handshake ? 100 times in a vieuw secs ?

Hmmm how thoughtfull

:wink: yep

Is there any advance on this?
I’ve been searching everywhere for an application or gadget to stop people from annoying others in public spaces with their Bluetooth speakers. So far, I have found nothing good.
So far looks like the only solution would be a jammer blocking the whole 2.4 frequency which is too invasive and illegal in a lot of places.
lisa did you try your idea? I know it’s the same frequency, I just don’t know if we can saturate it with that hardware.
bluetooth did you manage to do something with ?

I found this about the ESP8266 idea

Hey, any progress so far? I live next to a school and every evening my house gets flooded with shitty music

I was also looking for the Bluetooth jammer information and it is really informative for me that I found it here.

Mark wahlberg

I think this will be our salvation, in many cases, as soon as the details are released:

When this vulnerability is detailed, someone will be able to write an app to silence Bluetooth speakers.

Wird natürlich nachdem die Coronagefahr gebannt ist wieder aus dem System entfernt… Wo ist mein Aluhut?

A bluetooth jammer which has Enough Power to Pass Through a Wall?