Hi! Welcome to the Science Hacking corner of the OTS forum, home to the community around the annual volunteer-run hackathon Science Hack Day Berlin. Our next edition is 17-18th November. Registration opens 30th October, 6PM CEST.
What is this category for?
This category is home to the Berlin science hacking community.
Science Hack Day Berlin 2017 (SHDB17)
This year, for the first time, we will be pitching and documenting the hacks from our annual hackathon, Science Hack Day Berlin, here in the subcategory SHDB17. For now we will keep editing access to this category restricted to attendees. If you are registered to attend SHDB17 you should have received an invitation to edit. If not, please drop us a line at shd@opentechschool.org.
Where else can I find the Berlin Science Hacking community?
You can follow us on facebook and twitter for news. We also hang out as a community in a facebook group and meet twice a month (the second Saturday and fourth Wednesday) at our meetup.
Who is running this forum?
We are! An awesome team of volunteer scientists, artists, designers, developers, engineers, hackers, open science nerds, explorers, gif curators, snack connoisseurs, space cats…
Code of conduct
The point of Science Hack Day and this community is to open science up to a whole big family of diverse science hackers. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us. To make this work, we ask everyone to look after their own and each others’ safety as well as abide by our code of conduct. Please take a good look through it: Code of Conduct – Science Hack Day Berlin