Report from Global Yearly Review Meeting 2015

While I find @bettina’s efforts to become the go-to person for new events/workshops very laudable, I don’t think this is a scalable approach. Having a contact person is great, don’t get me wrong, but how’s the bus factor on that one? What if @bettina suddenly has other constraints eating up her time? Could this become a blueprint (+ her answering any inquiries we get on it? :blush:)

Agreed. I have opened another thread to discuss a possible way to approach this.

Could you clarify, @anaketa @xMartin : Is this supposed to be a Berlin-only thing?

I think this statement is offensive and I’m trying hard to keep my temper and will just give the following to consider:
There has never been any decision; I volunteered to evaluate Slack to the best of my knowledge, engage with their sales staff, and then get a premium deal for OTS (which I, again, am confident in.) I offered it to you as a playground to tinker around with and seeing how desolate IRC is nowadays I’m still hugely in favor of having something people actually want to use—speaking of appealing UX.
Unequivocally condemning it from a meeting which doesn’t reflect “majority community consent” is kind of disparaging and I will strongly reconsider me stepping up for OpenTechSchool the next time such an opportunity comes around (see, for example, our recent Meetup deal.)

This sounds like you want to make it a “tip of the day” thing, rather than a newsletter, @coderinheels. My vision for a newsletter would be sharing new information among chapters.

The prime example for that is always the Melbourne model, where our Melbourne chapter came up with the simple but novel idea that we could offer a basic and an advanced workshop at the same event, thus allowing for a larger/diverse audience. I accidentally heard from this; I’m really sad everytime I hear what great work chapters are doing through mere accident, and not through a regular medium.

I think just having it repeat “already set up” tools is going to make it an echo chamber. :cold_sweat:


From a game theory perspective this sounds like a constraint which is easily gamed and might easily miss the goal. :wink: