Many thanks to Giorgia for writing this post! -Ed.
Berlin is a beautiful city in which you can lose yourself among many amazing tech events, meetings, and chances to exchange and improve your skills. It’s very easy for a developer to find other developers and create new projects or get some help with what they’re working on. But what about the beginners? Or what about the people who don’t know anything about a particular language they would really love to learn?
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn new languages, also while doing something real (by real I mean learning by practice, not theory). That’s the reason we are proud to announce our first meetup, on August 8th at 19:00 at co.up, aimed at beginners learning to code and develop software.
We want to help people from all different backgrounds to learn coding together and share experiences. As a part of OpenTechSchool, this is a supportive environment for learners to listen to talks on topics which can help them, but also to encourage them to share what they have learned. There are no limitations to which programming languages will be covered and everyone is invited to attend.
We will start with some short and interesting talks, after which we’ll provide a chance for anyone who has questions to ask them, as well as invite participants to show what they have done and crowdsource/brainstorm whatever issues they’re stuck on and need help with.
For the first user group on August 8th, we’ll have Paul Nelligan give a talk titled, “Why I code and how I started,” as well as Duana Stanley with “Behind the Scenes of a Web Request.”
Have a look at our meetup group for have more details about the first event.
We are cross-languages, cross-skill/experience, and of course we are here to help and have fun with you. If you have any kind of experience and you would like to help us teach, you are more than welcome to join our efforts! Contact us in our meetup group, by Facebook or in our Google group.
See you on the 8th of August!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at