TOA HTML / CSS workshop - RailsGirl&OTS

I already have a ticket and plan on being at the closing party, too. And I’ll be on time as a coach, too. Looking forward!

:frowning: shade! get well soon :sunny:

@xMartin i don’t have an overview how many have registered, but i think your support would be very helpful

@ sabine i also already have my ticket for the closing party. i just wanted to mention it, because it would be a nice fit to go there. and i’m afraid not everybody on the workshop has a ticket.

@autarc get better soon!

Hey, there will be approx 26 attendees, so I think we will be fine.

I didn’t get a reply from Kerstin about tickets for the closing party. I guess she is really busy, but I got a ticket and probably won’t go there, because I have a visitor. So I could give mine away I guess?!

So looking forward to seeing you all later! Let’s rock this workshop! :slight_smile:

Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you to all of you again. Thanks for your engagement and patience as well. I am hoping we can do more workshops together in the future. The Rails Girls attendees obviously are hungry for it. Let me know what your plans are in the future or how I can help you with it.

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Attendee Feedback
(I will send a questionaire around although it’s already a bit late. What information do you want to include in that last email to the attendees?)

Liebe Sabine,

vielen Dank nochmal für die Möglichkeit, dass ich am Freitag HTML lernen durfte! Ich fand den Kurs echt gut. Vielleicht noch ein kurzes Feedback zu der Gestaltung des Kurses:

  • am meisten hat mir die Kleingruppenarbeit weitergeholfen, wo individuell auf Fragen und Probleme eingegangen werden konnte
  • vielleicht kann man beim nächsten mal interaktiver arbeiten - derjenige, der die Präsentation hält, könnte zum Beispiel mit dem Beamer/Laptop gleich zeigen, welche Befehle man eingibt und welche Ergebnisse sich dadurch zeigen lassen (dann kann man das persönlich auch am PC nachmachen, hat aber eine zentrale Zulaufstelle der Konzentration)
  • mir hat eine generelle Einführung von HTML gefehlt - warum sollte man Programmierung lernen, wann hat es angefangen, was sind nächste Schritte, was kann ich von dem Kurs erwarten (nur ca. 10-15 Minuten).
  • Vielleicht kann man am Ende Tipps geben, wie und wo man weiterlernen kann :slight_smile:

Im Anhang findest Du einen Screenshot von der Seite, die ich gebaut habe (zugegeben hatte ich schon ein paar Vorkenntnisse, aber nicht viele)…

LG und ich freu

I sent them a link to a feedback form though it might take some time until we get some feedback from them and since some time has passed, only few might answer. However, it might be helpful for future workshops.

See the results here:

Ehy thank you so much for the feedback Sabine!
Even if they aren’t so much, is really helpful to know what people thing

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Hello everybody!!
it as been some times from our last collaboration workshop, I hope you are all well and willing to spread some Html/css love again! :slight_smile: because we are organizing another Html/css and Ruby workshop in collaboration with RailsGirls for middle of march and looking for coaches!
Here all the details:

I hope to see many of you there again :smile:
(Replay to that post if you are interested)

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