TOA HTML / CSS workshop - RailsGirl&OTS

Let’s sum up what we far:


to be discussed - Regine has a rough idea, Kristina already created a schedule
for another class she taught. I tried to translate it and put it into this doc sheet. I am not sure how we should proceed with this. Maybe you can just add your comments or suggestions to it? Or do you want to do that on GitHub? Would be happy if someone takes charge of that, since I am not on GitHub, nor a coach.

Skype Meeting mandatory for the coaches
(in order to organize the event)
30.07 - time: ??
Leave your Skype name please.

Time and place of the workshop
Date: Friday, Aug 2nd
Time: 2pm - approx. 7pm
Participants: 20-30 (it’s hard to tell, because TOA reserves tickets for their members, but I doubt that they are our target group)
Place: Ahoy!

Suggestion so far for the workshop:
“So let’s go spontaneous - the topic itself is not so complicated that we need to plan very much in advance.” by Regina
"For the curriculum,probably we need at least some kind of giudeline but can be not so define" by Giorgia

The main reference for this workshop is Sabine Geithner, for any specific question is better ask her.

hello, i have 2 skype accounts: frappina (private) and frappa_work. feel free to add both of them.

So, at what time tomorrow?
Looking doodle the best time is at 18.30

btw my skype name is: anaketa

Hmm, well we said 7pm before, because Regine wanted to take part. I guess, she might still be working then. I will send her text to see if she can make 6:30 as well.

My Skype name is oh_basine

I created an attendee survey. I know from at least 2 people that they have worked with HTML before. Maybe someone could take a look at it and suggest changes.

Hi! I will try to be there at 6:30pm. My Skype-Name is nkoehring.

I found this survery quite good.
Of course we can do more question to have a more specific results but mabye we don’t really need too specific information.
So i would say we can go for it :slight_smile:

Regine will try to make it, but it might be a bit tight.
Her Skype is bit-boutique

Hey guys, we already have 24 people registered and I expect it to be 30 people at the end of today (there are still 6 on the waitlist who have to confirm their attendance).

The survey I created will be sent out at 2pm so that we hopefully have some feedback by the time of our meeting.

Looking forward to skyping with you :wink:


So far it looks like the background is really mixed. You can see the results of the survey here:

Hey there, sorry I have a little mess here. Thought the skype-time was 7pm (no idea where that came from) and now i cannot log into skype. Hope i will get i fixed. I am stephon.k on skype

Summary of the Skype Conversation:

Regine will give a short introduction about the schedule for the day and about herself.

Introduction: Why is html important, install text-editor (coaches stay alert), what does a browser do when it gets in contact with HTML/CSS, move over to the DOM - easy as in html-tag, head, body. head: title, charset und how to link in css, meta-tags. body: easy first hands-on and exercise: write a p, insert a picture, a link, then move over to css, give colors to p/link.

Then the coaches will have time to introduce themselves and their expertise.

Then split into interest groups and time-slots (each about 30-45 minutes), in between the slots short group-summaries. Take care to have the timeslots building on top of each other regarding basic/advanced knowledge, so participants can build on the slots.

We created a list of topics that might be covered during the workshops here:

You can edit the file. The initials stand for the person who is in charge of thinking about a basic curriculum we can use during the workshop. If you create(d) a curriculum for this topic, please add a link to it in that sheet.

Sabine will send attendees instructions to install an Sublime as an editor. Attendees who are unable to install it, shall come 15min earlier to get help installing it.

We could create a nice basic layout like to give attendees a goal for the workshop.

Sabine will be at Ahoy around 1pm, most coaches aim to be there around 1:30. In general, coaches should be there around 1:50 latest.

Full Skype conversation can be found here:

IMPORTANT Info: I just checked with Ahoy. The space is booked again for 7pm, so we have to finish on time!

QUESTION: Should we go for drinks afterwards? Does anyone know a place in that area? I am so not familiar with Charlottenburg.

I don’t know any place but I think it’s a great idea to go for a drink afterwards.

Hmm, I planned to go to the TOA closing party ( Did anyone else register for that? Free community tickets are gone, but there are still Tickets for TOA-Attendees. Maybe can someone can work something out, since the Workshop is a TOA sattelite event?

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Hi Staeff, I can ask Kerstin, if we can have extra tickets for the closing party. Is there anyone else who wants to join?

Looks as if I might be able to make it, too. Do you think you could need my help as a coach? Closing party would also be interesting.

Sorry folks, but I’am not feeling well the last days and probably won’t make it till tomorrow. Hope you still got enough coaches to support the attendees. Next time I will be there…

Hi again,

fortunately I can make it in time tomorrow but will not be able to stay longer for any parties. I need to reach my train to Leipzig.

See you tomorrow!