Let’s sum up what we far:
to be discussed - Regine has a rough idea, Kristina already created a schedule
for another class she taught. I tried to translate it and put it into this doc sheet. I am not sure how we should proceed with this. Maybe you can just add your comments or suggestions to it? Or do you want to do that on GitHub? Would be happy if someone takes charge of that, since I am not on GitHub, nor a coach.
Skype Meeting mandatory for the coaches
(in order to organize the event)
30.07 - time: ??
Leave your Skype name please.
Time and place of the workshop
Date: Friday, Aug 2nd
Time: 2pm - approx. 7pm
Participants: 20-30 (it’s hard to tell, because TOA reserves tickets for their members, but I doubt that they are our target group)
Place: Ahoy! http://goo.gl/maps/jw309
Suggestion so far for the workshop:
“So let’s go spontaneous - the topic itself is not so complicated that we need to plan very much in advance.” by Regina
"For the curriculum,probably we need at least some kind of giudeline but can be not so define" by Giorgia
The main reference for this workshop is Sabine Geithner, for any specific question is better ask her.