You can find the video call in the event linked above — please connect independently at the advertised time. The previous edition can be found on Discourse. Please also add your topics to the agenda.
Wednesday night I have already tentative plans, so I don’t know yet if I can make it to the call.
So here’s a short update: I beta tested the first version (this I’ve pasted into a discourse comment thread a while back) of the Learners’ Guidelines at the Learners’ Meetup last Wednesday and got lots of good feedback on format and structure. I will be working on that today and next weekend on it. Once I’m done revising using the Learners’ Feedback, I’ll post it up here on discourse to get more feedback.
Thanks everyone for joining! Please head over to the meeting minutes to read everything about who’s the new Ben, too much money, and the exciting retrospective on OTSconf 2015 in Dortmund.
apologies, juggling a million things at the moment. will try and make a greater effort to make one of the next ones!
before sept. 27th though will be tough.