Hosting a Community Call is easy:
Create a Google+ event.
- Title: Community Call #YY.MM
- Website URL: the Discourse thread.
Hangouts (Event is online-only)
Guests can invite other people
- It is best to choose the common theme (yellow/red/gray sparks), you can find it under Other.
- Make it a Public event.
- Note: To do this under the +OpenTechSchool page, you will need moderator rights. Ask @ben to grant them to you. Then go to Google My Business.
- Create a Discourse thread. (See example.)
- Mention the exact date and time.
- Link the Google+ event and the agenda.
- Post instructions how to join the video call.
- Mention which items are already on the agenda.
- Prepare the agenda.
- It should have a new section for this edition.
- Every other month we should do a quick check-in from all chapters.
- Don’t forget to refresh the Table of Contents.
- Check the past edition for any carry-overs or relevant follow-ups.
That’s it! You can now joyfully meet.