#Notes from 10/10/2013
Attendance: Lorenzo, Robert, Danila, Stefan, Karl
Guests: Maja, Annette, Karl
##BarCamp Frauen (Gio via mail)
We told them that we couldn’t run a workshop (we are busy with our HTml workshop and 1h is too short time) but we asked them if we can still give a short intro about what OTS is.
They didn’t answer yet but someone willing to do it? Duana said, she will be probably already at the Conf. but i don’t have any updates so far.
##Html/CSS workshop (Gio via mail)
We finally got ImmobilienScout!! The place for the event were gone in less than a day! Awesome!! We are still looking for a coaches so we can host more people. So far we are 8 (32 learners).
We are in contact with RailsGirls and PyLadies for make happen this workshop day. The idea is to create a big evening at the end of all the workshops. We are asking to Immobilien if they can host us and maybe also sponsored our dinner. Otherwise we will go for a pic-nick style dinner.
##Flossie 2013 (Gio via mail)
They got us!!! They just forgot to sent to us the confirmation email …
Anyway i’m still asking info about what exactly we should do there (probably just a talk, but which day? How long? …) and more info about who cover (if someone does) the cost and how many people can go there.
I hope that can go more than just one person and that someone from the team willing to come with me It will be 8/9 November in London. http://www.flossie.org
I will keep you update as soon as they answer me!
##Talk & Play #3 (taking place on October 30) (Lorenzo)
Monthly meet up, last time 80 people, it’s becoming really popular.
Next one will be October 30th. We already have speakers but we are trying to reach more women.
##OTS presentation slides
Duana and Lorenzo prepared some slides on OTS for the social media week, we can use it for next presentations. You can (soon) find the link to the presentation on our github repository
http://opentechschool.github.io/slides/ (or http://slides.opentechschool.org).
Action item: Lorenzo to upload it to Google Drive in this folder
Robert offered help with getting it into our slides repository.
Lorenzo quickly walked us through his talk at the end of the breakfast.
##OTS Global meeting review (Bea via Lorenzo)
Please fill in the Doodle:
We have to find a location for the meeting, possible solutions: booking co.up meeting room, sound cloud? Lorenzo or Danila office?
##Roskilde Music Festival (Patricia via Lorenzo)
They want to make a Maker Festival and met with Bea about doing some workshops at next year in August(?). We are in the beginning of talks on how we could contribute and how they can enable us to do it (travel expenses etc.).
Hackership (Amelie & Bea via Mail)
No one of the hackership team was present so no real updates on the project and/or the party.
Amelie was mentioning that the team needs help. Talk to Ben, Amelie or Rachel for details.
##Endocode (Karl)
From his email at Sep 30: “I’ve attended a few events at the OTS as a volunteer coach and I’ve greatly enjoyed helping out. My colleagues and I run a software company based here in Berlin and I’d like to persuade them to get involved with OTS. Of course, before I do that, I’d like to make sure whether that’s possible.
Our company is Endocode, an IT firm specialising in open source software development and consulting. I’m wondering if there are ways for Endocode to get involved in the great work at OTS? For example, I was thinking that we could help run a new workshop that teaches topics which OTS doesn’t yet cover.”
They could help out with drafting up new workshops. Stefan suggested they do an Android workshop. We discussed Java as well; initial responses were mixed because it has a higher setup barrier, but Java is relevant nevertheless.
Android would be great. coaches.android@ should be involved. Review existing material?
Java User Group will be asked for coaches.
Endocode is moving to another office (15–20 people) and offered to host us. (Not immediately, but soon-ish.) It might offer more space for talk-style settings.
New workshops (Maja)
Maja asked for talks/workshops about how the pieces fit together (which programming language is useful where.) Learners Meetup has been suggested as a useful venue for this; someone should give a talk about this in Nov.
##Science Hack Day (Danila, Stefan)
48-hour hackathon with 70 developers, artists and scientists. November 15–17, registration (for 100) will open this week.
Please spread the word! Blog post is coming. Posters are available (and were free, because we tapped into another conference’s budget.) They are stored in Co-Up, 5th floor.
Looking for sponsors for food; venue is free (betahaus). Maja suggested YouIsNow, the ImmobilienScout incubator. Annett suggested “two women who collect food from the market and cook for free;” she’s going to write Danila the details. Oh, it’s DinnerExchange.
Danila asked how we could accept sponsor money. Stefan said we do have a bank account. Escalating to Ben.
##No-show rate / Attendance tracking
We should start tracking no-show rate. Stefan suggested a spreadsheet/form.
Stefan will set up a form to make it easy for everyone to track the attendance of a workshop or meeting.
##PyConDE talk (Robert)
Robert will give a talk in Cologne next week at PyConDE. Still preparing it. Input wanted!
Lorenzo suggested to have a look to the slides that he and Duana prepared for social media week and to watch the talk that Angus gave at KiwiPyCon. Stefan suggested looking at Amelie’s talk from Campus Party, and maybe Codemotion.
Organizers Breakfast / Meetup descriptions
Be clearer about the contents, ie. that it has an agenda etc. and not a networking-only event. Add target audiences for all workshops please.
Stefan suggested having an OTS FAQ addressing questions such as language.