Notes from 08/01/2013
Present: Amélie, Ben, Giorgia, Martin, Bea, Lorenzo, Jule, Ellen, Rachel
Tech speaker’s training (Jule)
Public speaking workshop, both sides: structure talk and present. There is an interest of at least four people (from soundcloud) to help organise and set it up. Maybe make this also part of the OTS-Conference-Package?
Action item Amélie: let Jule know how to get organised with her coaches on Discourse
Action item Jule and Tiffany: write a blog post to get more coaches
Coaching Python
We have more dates:
- 27th August - Websites with Python Flask
- Doodle for next Beginners workshop is still open (with dates in late August and early September)
- Also the Python Learning Group is happening every 2 weeks on Monday evening (7-11p.m.). Next one will be on the 12th August.
Discourse as a mailinglist replacement?
Suggested to us by P2PU, it’s a forum/message board/chat with paragraphs. We would want to use it as replacement for our mailing-lists on Google groups.It would be more open as well, it can be tested at We are going to test it and roll it out progressively, starting with new workshops that are explicitly asked to use this tool instead of creating new Google groups for them.
Twine game jam took place last Saturday
Recap: was good – results are available here btw
Upcoming Talk & Play #2:
Looking for (female) speakers, tips welcome
OTS youtube video channel: how should we proceed?
Action Item @ben: Drop it and get back to Sam about the video-stuff, get back to ImmoScout for video-stuff.
Action Item @rachel: Write guidelines/standards to share video recording and photos so that we can reuse them for a bigger documentary
Potential sponsorship from Mailjet
Action item Amélie (put Ben in CC): let them know of possible things they could sponsor: Science Hack Day, sponsoring food at one event, Hackership
Updates on Hackership (the full time hacker program)
DON’T TWEET! Please review and send us feedback on our website: (not advertised yet).
Venue for OTS drinks discussion
Next time: park Görlitzer Park at 9h30 (we were really late this time) and a Plan-B-Bar (ideas welcome)