Organisers meetup, 1st of February

Already time for another orga meetup! I suggest having this one at the greek restaurant „Guru“ (Kortestr. 30, near station SudKreuz.). Meeting at 7pm, starting 7:30pm. Please indicate below by Thursday if you are attending so that I can make a reservation by Friday.

  • Will attend
  • Can not attend

0 voters

If anyone has suggestions for any other place to meet or open agenda items to include below, please share.

Open Agenda items

[] Refugees Emancipation: @xMartin is trying to solve how to provide transportation tickets to refugees, @nicolai is involved in providing laptops for IT courses. Requires a switch and like 8 ethernet cables.
@nicolai will use Docker container to set up the computers.
[*] feedback on @bettina’s Clojure group and/or coaches/learners guidelines
[]@chiara would like to set up the organisers meetups with open calendar invitations.
[] @niccokunzmann new CoderDojos in Berlin
[] @niccokunzmann OTS+CoderDojo at CEBIT or OpenTechSummit

//cc @stefanhoth, @Kriesse, @MisterRios, @ellen, @freenerd, @cntlsn, @fronx, @Danila, @beatrice, @anaketa, @haiko, @xMartin, @Lorenzo, @ezmiller, @chiara, @amelie, @bettina, @charlotte, @carlio, @staeff, @anouk, @rachel, @starkcoffee, @bastianalbers, @ramin, @mamhoff, @ben, @vicy, @nicolai, @ben

Please @xMartin @ben make it a wiki topic!

Done. It should be a wiki now.

my Feb. School of MA program begins soon, will not be back in Berlin until March 1!
guten Appetit and have fun !

Didn’t we usually gather at 7pm and started at 7:30?

Yes, will change the time now

…or not, because mobile. Can anyone please change the time, please?

Changed the time in the text.

Er… only 2 signups? Does it make sense to book?

@xMartin your charm is needed to keep this thing running lol

I want to come, too. We will host Workshops at the CEBIT and I would like to talk about OpenTechSchool involvement.

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Mar and Me from NodeSchool Berlin will join to discuss a possible Collaboration with OTS.

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Cool! Can we have some Frontend coaches coming to discuss about it? @xMartin, @anaketa

Change of plans: Could not get a table at Koutaki, so we should go to the Indian restaurant Guru, which is directly opposite the Südstern station. The address is [30 Kortestr][1]. I’ve reserved a table for six, though it appears from the comments that I should perhaps be increased to 8?

@chiara, @anderspree, @niccokunzmann, @xMartin, @ellen

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Unfortunately I can’t make it

Ok I updated my Kalender and informed Mar. We will still be there.

@chiara since when can i be charming? :wink:

Background info: I’m in touch with the NodeSchool Berlin folks for a while now about collaborating so I invited them to join us for dinner :slight_smile: (Oooh, first date :smiley: I guess I can be charming…)

@bastianalbers said he’d be joining, too, right?

@xMartin lol :grin:

Yes, i’ll also come. Not sure if i can be on time, maybe i have to get some stuff done at home before i can join, but will definitely come.

A different meeting has been canceled so I can join, too \o/

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I’ve bumped up the table at Guru’s to 8-10 people. The name is under ‘Open tech’. Just a reminder, we are meeting at the Indian restaurant Guru, not the greek Restaurant To Koutouki.