Hello world!
We welcome you to contact the organizers of each OTS meetup in Berlin through Discourse rather than the contact form of Meetup.com, which does not have the option of associating organizers to single events. Please send a message or open a thread and quote the relevant people.
Creative Code Stammtisch: Rachel @rachel, Ramin @ramin
Learners’ Meetup: Duana @starkcoffee, Nicolai @nicolai, Chiara @chiara, Ellen @ellen
Python Co-Learning: Ben @ben, Andreas @andreas
Ruby Co-Learning: Martin @mamhoff, Robert
Rust Hack&Learn: Florian @skade
Web Frontend Co-Learning: Martin @xMartin, Bastian @bastianalbers, Giorgia @anaketa, Stefan @Autarc, Pierre @meat147
Would you like to organize a workshop or start a new regular meetup (a co-learning group, for instance)? Please start a thread to introduce your idea, and come to the next Organizers’ Dinner.
Please do not contact us to advertise events that are not free of charge, as it is against our policy.