[MEL] GitHub from Scratch, September 13

We’re hosting GitHub from Scratch at the Electron Workshop in Melbourne on Saturday September 13.

The Meetup event to RSVP as an attendee is here.

The workshop material is here.

Coming to coach? Awesome! Please let us know by replying to this thread!

– Angus (who will be there to coach)


Reporting in, looking forward to it!


Sounds cool. I’ll be there too.


Sorry, took me a while to get around to making an account. In case it wasn’t already clear, I’ll be coaching.


I will be there, looking forward to learning Github.

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Here are some crib notes for coaches. I keep these on a txt file on my phone for easy reference during the workshop:

Part 1
GitHub repository
  github account
  create a new repo
  username.github.io repo name
  auto-initialize repository
  ** make sure README is checked **
  index.html and view in web browser
Learning to swim: HTML
  <h1> <p> <ul> <li>
  <code> <blockquote>
  ** gotta close your tags, yo **
Linking pages
  <img /> <a>
  ** add ---\n---\n to index.html **
  ** add ---\n---\n to kittens.html **
  {{ site.title }}
Using a layout
  _layouts directory
  ** make sure _layouts is plural **
  {{ content }} in default.html
  layout: default in index.html and kittens.html
  adding a menu
  "front matter" Yaml
Writing history
  commit history
  commit hashes
  commit comments
A journal that makes sense
  commit message format
  (verb) (object) (reason)
Okay Captain. Now sail away!

Part 2
Social Coding
  find a partner
  fork their repo
  ** make a change to your repo **
  pull request
  wall of fame
Add stucture with HTML
  <html> <head> <body> <title>
  <ul> <ol> and <li> examples
Style your page with CSS
  h1 { color: hotpink; }
  ** https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value **
  font-size text-transform
  border margin padding
  ** more things to know
     - IE box model issues?
     - border is also shorthand
     - box position
     - grids e.g. Bootstrap & Foundation **
  inspect element - browser tools
  ** show them around
     - click on element with mouse
     - show box model diagram
     - network tab
     - console ***
  ** extra curricular
     - http://codepen.io/ for examples
     - Mozilla Webmaker? **
Jekyll in action: make a blog
  _posts directory
  YYYY-MM-DD-blog-title.md filename
  ** don't forget --- YAML --- **
  open in browser
  ** URL different from file path **
  add {{site.posts}} to index.html
  .md files and Markdown
Using Git
  install GitHub for Mac/Windows
  command line
  sublime text / gedit
  git config init add commit log
  git clone push
  git stash pop
  git branch checkout merge

Forgot to say this on the day - thank you everyone who came along and coached! I think it well really well.

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