JavaScript for Beginners workshop is a bunch of JavaScript-related events this September in Berlin around the We want to be part of that with another JavaScript for Beginners workshop. I propose we do this Sunday 14 and maybe also Saturday.

For a start I’d like to get some general feedback and please raise your arm if you’re up for co-organizing and/or coaching!


I’m in! :slight_smile:


Count me in as well :smiley:


Like I said, me too :smile:

I am interested to help with this.

What is the state with co.up as a venue? If we have a venue for that day I would like to add the workshop to I think I also saw in the OTS/JS repo that there was some sort of event page, which could be updated then.

I’m trying to get co.up 3rd floor for 14 September. That would be pretty cool. Also on Saturday there will be the CSS workshop same place so would be nice to add some JS to it the following day.

Content-wise I think we could do the day1 materials but tell people they can switch to day2 (DOM, slide show) after the first few chapters of day1 if they feel like it.

Yeah, co.up 3rd floor is booked for 14 September!

When do we want to start? 10:30 with coaches arriving at 10:00?

Awesome! Sounds good to me. How do we do signups,

I also decided to still organize the NodeSchool Workshop. It will only be one evening of Node.JS self-paced learning, but this it would be good if people already have basic JavaScript skills. So it fits perfectly, if some of the attendees of the JS workshop will come to the NodeSchool event. I am in contact with WikiMedia for a venue, I hope that works out.

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I’m in for coaching!

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i can help with coaching on Sunday :smile:

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@finnpauls Sounds great to have a follow-up Node event!

Yes, we will use for registrations but we really should think about where to advertise in order to reach a diverse crowd.

Yeah. I thought maybe reaching out to non-programming-related meetups would be an option. Do you have other ideas?

How about having a short virtual kick-off meeting for the co-organizers? I’d propose to use the #opentechschool IRC channel for that on freenode. Here’s a Doodle for that:


i updated the draft for the workshop on meetup. In the main text its now also mentioned, that it is a one day (4 hour) workshop.

There are two paragraphs, that i did not just wanted to update, but rather check back with you, if changes are needed.

We are running another time the awesome “JavaScript for Absolute
Beginners” workshop we already held back in the last year two times,
with a slightly improved curriculum. If you are interested in learning
JavaScript, feel free to sign up for this workshop!

I would leave out that this is another run of the workshop and that the curriculum has been improved. So basically the whole first sentence. Instead rather something inviting for the people that we are offering this workshop for. The second sentence is a start, but maybe say a bit more, that no experience is required. Maybe we can come up with a use case description or what will be achieved by end of the workshop

All you need is a laptop, installation of Sublime Text 2, and you are ready to go.

Should we add Chrome as a requierment here too?

@staeff I just copied stuff from multiple source. Yes, I would also remove references to the last workshops. About the Editor and Browser: I would prefer to not mention certain tools, there’s a lot of suitable editors out there and even recent Internet Explorers have decent developer tools. Still, I know it simplifies things if you just require Chrome and Sublime. Let’s discuss and see…

@karlwestin @anaketa @Autarc Are you available for a virtual meeting this week? Please answer the Doodle above.

pad for promotion etc

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Here’s the official event page:
Please promote outside of our bubble :wink:

I’ve just created a trello board to keep the tasks organized and seperate from the repositories (prevent getting mixed between content for the event and code itself). Feel free to define and assign new tasks.